Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lubbock as a State of Mind

     I will, should I adequately master the use of this electric machine, be posting items of interest to me and perhaps others.  I will post items that are loosely tied to Lubbock, Texas, and/or the High Plains of Texas.  This will not keep me from writing something about other places, like Spain or California or Washington or other places as viewed from a West Texas perspective.  I should say, "An older West Texas perspective," because I am viewing the world from an older point of view than that of a normal blogger, if there is such a thing as a 'normal' blogger.
     One of the advantages of being three quarters of a century old is that you get a sort of overview of life and the world and other people.  I'm not saying you get smarter---you get older, so sometimes you can see through whatever B.S. is being spread, because you may have stepped in it before.  Please don't misunderstand me---I am not one of those old people who thinks they know it all and should be given deference simply because they are old.  If they were dumb as a post when they were forty, chances are, they're not any smarter now, but they always think they are.
     I will write things in what they call the 'first person'.  I hope it sounds just like I'm talking to you.  I think in the first person, I talk in the first person and I have opinions in the first person, so it is natural for me to write in the first person.  I hope you don't mind.  I also hope you can read this fine print or your electric machine can enlarge it to meet the requirements of your eyesight.  I'd hate to go to all the trouble to write a bunch of clever stuff that no one can read because the letters are too small.
     That's enough for now---I have a lot to learn about this blogging and this bit is a sort of test for me.  I'm going to save it now and read it later before I send it out.  If It still sounds silly, I may forget the whole thing.  Hope to see you later---
                                                                                                                                                                          Jim McLaughlin

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